Congratulation! Winner Announcement!
Congratulation! Winner Announcement!
We are happy to announce that the winner of Giveaway Event (BATMAN VS SUPERMAN——the dawn of justice!) are as below listed!
Winner/获奖者 Prizes/奖品
Winner/获奖者 Prizes/奖品
5468 Backpack 背包 x1
4237 Backpack 背包 x1
4237 Backpack 背包 x1
0080 Fold-able Umbrella 雨伞 x1
0210 Fold-able Umbrella 雨伞 x1
0210 Fold-able Umbrella 雨伞 x1
3654 Bath Towel 浴巾 x1
0338 Bath Towel 浴巾 x1
4618 Flask 保温水瓶 x1
2873 Flask 保温水瓶 x1
0338 Bath Towel 浴巾 x1
4618 Flask 保温水瓶 x1
2873 Flask 保温水瓶 x1
We will reach to all of the winner for the pick-up arrangement.
And for others, the upcoming give-away event are ready, stay with us, and wait for the update!
The progress of LuckyDraw!
(25/4/2016 12.00PM)
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